voodoo lady
JoinedTopics Started by voodoo lady
What is their position on IVF?
by voodoo lady infor example, if a married couple had fertility issues relating to the male partner's sperm, could they use a donor?.
is it frowned upon in a more general sense because people should be preaching rather than procreating?.
A brilliant psychologist
by voodoo lady ini've been seeing a brilliant psychologist.
he has been pivotal in drawing the parallels between my jw upbringing - specifically the hypocrisy i saw as a child - and the reason i've tolerated lies and inconsistencies in my most significant adult relationship.. i've seen one other psychologist in the past.
she didn't get the issues surrounding the religion whatsoever, didn't regard that aspect of my backstory as relevant, and was of little help to me.. has anyone else seen a psychologist - whether for help with coping in the aftermath of leaving the religion, or for seemingly unrelated issues that actually turned out to be related?
The lesser of two evils
by voodoo lady ini was fortunate enough to have a fairly smooth exit from the cult.
a major factor in this transition was retaining the one and only family connection that was important to me.
even though the relationship was challenged, it didn't end, and in many ways, the very nature of it being tested proved its strength.
Cognitive Dissonance in a Relationship
by voodoo lady init's a familiar feeling, not unlike the experience we might have within organised religion.. .
i never really experienced this within org as i exited when i was a teenager.
the problems and incongruencies that became apparent during that time seemed simply a result of developing a fully-functioning brain.
First post in years
by voodoo lady inwhen i was last here, my mother had recently been diagnosed with cancer.
there were potential issues regarding transfusion, none of which eventuated.
she undertook a course of chemo which worked quickly and effectively, with minimal side-effects.
why is there equal op when it comes to the annointed?
by voodoo lady inand yet the governing body is a boys club (in fact, the entire organisation is a boys club).. .
does the "holy spirit" discriminate against the female body?
if so, how can a woman profess to "know" to take the emblems?
What to write in my niece's (JW) wedding card
by voodoo lady inmy very militant jw niece is marrying a jw boy who i know little about, though i presume he must have priveleges or be a pioneer for her to have dated him in the first place.
though i feel so sad at the reality she's about to face - marrying a man she barely knows who she's probably never spent time alone with - i would still like to celebrate her love, or at least these exciting new feelings that she's experiencing that she believes to be love.
(and for all i know may certainly be love).. .
Who are the current members of the GB?
by voodoo lady inwhat are their stories and backgrounds?
is it true that there are currently only eight of them?.
The meaning of "abstain from blood"
by voodoo lady inthis has been a fixation for me lately, mostly in trying to appeal to my mother to at least consider blood transfusions as an option in the most extenuating circumstances.
my attempts have fallen flat thus far.
we've discussed principles versus rules, and though she concedes that principles are in fact more important than rules, she reverses her stance when it comes to this particular issue, and rules become more important than principles.
Mama will not be transfused
by voodoo lady ini've been a long-time reader of this site and have found it everything from informative to entertaining... but i'm now posting because i'm craving the ears (or eyes, i guess) of people who understand.. .
my mother was just last week diagnosed with an "ovarian type" cancer.
the oncologist discussed with her how far the cancer has already spread, and said she would operate immediately to remove as much of it as possible, but would not proceed if my mother resisted a transfusion as the risk of blood-loss will be too great.